We come to the strange and bizzare asterism of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra today. In Shatabhisha , we learned our unrestricted access to do our own unique will, which made Rahu very happy as his main desire was for unique privilege. Purva Bhadrapada, like Mula, is often written about inaccurately. In Mula, this was due to the nature of the Nakshatra itself, as well as due to the meaning of its initiatory stage-- but, in Purva Bhadrapada the inaccuracy is due to the veiled and obscured nature of the previous asterism, Shatabhisha. What occurs in Purva Bhadrapada can best be understood by examining the nearby previous Nakshatras. In Dhanishta, we learned to blissfully follow the light and rhythm of our own Star in the Ajna chakra, which we discovered in Shravana. In Shatabhisha, we became aware of our divine right to "do as we will"; no being can oppose us if we maintain obeisance to our star’s Law. This Law is our own Dharma, totally unique to us, and so remains a mystery to all but ourselves. In Purva Bhadrapada, we have so far detached ourselves from our physical body-- in the spiritual sense of identifying with the limited aspect-- that we come to dwell in perspective from the Anahata Chakra, which radiates the light of our Ajna to others through serving humanity. However, this light also casts a shadow as it shines down to earth and has a dark side. This Nakshatra is the final phase of Jupiter, and so represents destruction, as Jupiter at this point can expand no longer and must therefor liquidate itself, or else fail to complete the cosmic process. This is why this sign has so much to do with imposing incredible austerities on oneself, as well as a relation with funerals. It is associated with mass destruction and cruelty, as well as extreme Sattwic altruism. This results in a seemingly two-faced individual, as we encounter either their light or darkness depending on our own perspective and spiritual state. This Nakshatra is often responsible for what people in older cultures describe as being cursed by a deity through the medium of a religious figure. It was not the religious person’s personality that delivers the curse, but the God or Goddess that comes through them that does it. This is why ascetics, religious figures, magicians, and shamans are often feared, as they possess a dual nature just like this asterism-- bringing both good and bad as appropriate. We are busy standing on the Sun of our own universe, but while we are transfixed on moving to our own mysterious dharma and operating out of our heart center, a kind of mysterious destruction occurs within us as kundalini finally restores itself back to its natural dwelling place and migrates up and settles into the Swadisthana or Bhur Loka, which is the astral plane-- no longer dwelling in the Muladhara. This is another way of saying that the adept, or attained Yogin, then lives their life mostly on the astral plane and not in the physical body.