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Porn, Drugs & Video Games, Eating Modern Men Alive

Writer's picture: Claire NaktiClaire Nakti

Male energy in our modern world is constantly facing temptation to be quickly and easily grounded. Because male energy is projecting in nature, its function is innately to find an element to project into to ground itself— to plant seeds to bear fruit, in all elements of life, not just sexual, and in previous times for men, this pursuit was the very essence and fuel of life itself. Our stimulating modern world, however, threatens male energy far more than it does to the feminine, which is still & absorbing, and less tempted to project outwardly. Starting in early adolescence, men are offered extremely quick & effortless ways to ground their energy, to conquer, to plant seeds, etc. in a way that is illusory; porn allows them instant access to the female(s) they would have previously & vigorously pursued outwardly, things like overuse of video games, for example, allow them the illusion of building a skill, dominating, or conquering in any sense whatsoever. These “grounds” replace the rebellion, pursuit, and passion that men in the past reveled in during their young life; semen that used to fall into yoni’s is thrown literally & willfully in the garbage, most passions or skillsets belong to a fake, imaginary world. The allure of the “yoni” of technology is quite literally eating many young men alive. This leads men to enter their adult life already drained, with no real passions beyond the low-hanging fruit that “everyone” likes, little to no unique knowledge or applicable skill, few informed or passion-fueled opinions— and then movements like MGTOW ask why men have lost the immediate respect and submission of women? Men enter a relationship, and many are not even sure anymore what their role or purpose is— was it to give something, because what do they have to give now?

Women in the eyes of men of the past were viewed as rich soil, from which a beautiful garden could be grown if he planted his seeds correctly, where he could finally and triumphantly have an outlet for his outpouring of energy [which again, goes far beyond just sex]. The same women to many modern men now look like black voids— daunting, impossible to change or move, impossible to influence. What drive does he have to do that? And then the question is— have women really become huge monsters all the sudden in the way that many men claim, or has he just shrunk down much smaller and so perceive her this way? Women have reacted and responded to the modern world as well, but in nature they are still the same, as yin energy always is and always will be— waiting. Waiting to be influenced. Waiting like a decorated vessel, empty of water. Waiting like the black soil of an empty garden. Waiting like the New Moon. Waiting for assertion, waiting for complexity, waiting for passion, waiting for philosophy, waiting for an outpouring of built up and fiery energy projected towards them, but instead they find and feel nothing when interacting with most men, and so easily slip away from him. He has no libidinous force, no gravity to sustain her— and so, she dances away. When previously he was meant to be a beacon of truth and perseverance, most modern men have chosen the ease of illusion & wonder why women have “changed” and traditional femininity has in many ways been lost or lessened. However, the feminine principle simply reacts accordingly to what it encounters. To a worthy man, all women become “good” women. To a weak man with little to no gravity or substance, all women “misbehave”, so if that is all he sees— that is all he is. He can find what he thinks of as “real women” in their rampant & sometimes dangerous devotion towards any rare spiritual figure, any philosopher, any priest, any intellectual, and anyone who stands up for truth. Women haven’t changed; women wouldn’t have submitted to vacancy before, and they won’t now either— it is masses of men who have changed; and yin, by nature, is reactionary and responsive to the changes in yang.

The feminine principle is described in tantra as a creeping vine, while the male is the tree on which the vine grows— stable, consistent, & strong. Women can’t be expected to be receptive, devotional, and passive to vacancy and instability. Yin energy is inert in nature and does not truly change on its own— it simply adapts and adjusts to that which is asserted on it. In fact, traditional femininity can’t and doesn’t exist when there isn’t force to respond to. Yin on its own, like Ketu, prior to being asserted on, is actually neuter; it is when a being can’t partake in sexual exchange, as it only absorbs, and does not reciprocate or respond (which is why Ketu is also related to anal sex, a receptacle that does not give back as the yoni does with a baby, for example).

Without true masculine energy, women cannot embody the traits of trusting femininity— it would be their ruin. It would be a flowering vine trying to grow on a feeble sprout; tying oneself to a sinking ship. And so, women react & respond to the level of masculinity in which they encounter. Femininity, and its association with adornment, etc. is inspired as a force to pull on and magnetize the power of yang energy; when there isn’t powerful male energy existing, clearly most women would drop many “feminine” behaviors. Traditional femininity dries up when masculinity disappears, and the order doesn’t fall vice versa. Masculinity, by nature, should exist solely through its own sheer power— like the Sun, not dependent on the planets around it. A man sees in women, who are embodiments of maya, ONLY his own level of mastery over illusion reflecting back at him. The Goddess Durga, for example, embodies the feminine principle when she stated that she would only marry a man who could overpower her, in every sense. When he “defeats” you, thats when she is truly satisfied and can dissolve into blissful trust and devotion to his power.

If he sees her as a monster, he is a coward. If he sees her as a mother, he is at a baby stage, where he can’t yet bring any satisfaction, but can only take and ask for security from her. If he sees her as a wife, he expects equal energetic exchange from her. That’s why it is said in tantra that a man has only conquered Maya when he sees each woman as a daughter— he is so full of energy, his only inclination is to adore & nurture her; he doesn’t fear them, and he is fully aware that it is the stability of the masculine in a romantic union that determines how the feminine, like a flowering vine, will grow and change, and whether or not it will have what it needs to blossom. Women, when he reaches this advanced state, seem to dissolve into this state of purity and happiness, like trusting daughters— they are truly gentle, truly curious, truly open to beauty and complexity, excited for knowledge, finding bliss in masculine assertion and dominance. If you do not provide these things, and don’t make attempts to cultivate yourself as a man, you can’t blame women for finding these things themselves in any way they can, and quickly outgrowing you.

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