There are certain features that can be telltale signs of a nakshatra, even if the natives do not always look overtly similar across all features. One giveaway to guess many Shatabhisha nakshatra (6° 40′ – 20° Aquarius/Kumbha sidereal) natives is their uniquely airy, svelte appearance. The overall beauty of these women is often described with airy word choices that imply she might blow away. I saw words in beauty-articles on these women including terms like wispy, waify, and delicate. Shatabhisha is the only nakshatra ruled by the two Air-element planets, Saturn and Rahu, the mesmerizing North Node. While all Rahu-ruled nakshatras increase eye size, Shatabhisha’s large eyes are typically more rounded, often times darker, and more upturned, giving the touch of an impish, elfin appearance.

The Shatabhisha nose sits and projects from lower on the face than average. The distance between the eyes and nose is also highlighted due to the contrast then of the lifted tightness of the small and defined, squared jawline. The septum (or columella) of the nose is low and somewhat emphasized, while the nose tip is still often gently upturned and slightly squared. There is frequently a de-emphasized upper lip, which also grants more striking & distinct emphasis on the size and shapes of the eyes and nose. Overall, the unique sizes and proportions of the eyes/nose area is often a giveaway for guessing Shatabhisha women.
As the height expression of the bodiless floating head Rahu, it makes sense such women are often known for their large head size in contrast to slim, narrow shoulders, as well as possessing long delicate necks. The gives rise to iconic "floating head" photos.

If you refer to my Shatabhisha nakshatra style video, you can also see how the prefer solid tones of black and black and white. Coco Chanel (Shatabhisha Moon) popularized this color:
“When I find a colour darker than black, I'll wear it. But until then, I'm wearing black!”
This natural comfort clothing choice goes further in hiding or minimizing the size of the body to make the head, neck, and face stand out more in contrast. They also tend to favor updos and pixie cuts that show off the delicacy of their neck and bone structure.
As always with everything in astrology physiognomy, this is a tendency not a rule for Shatabhisha's facial appearance. There are other patterns/tendencies for this nakshatra I will explore in the future. I will also come back here to update with more examples as time goes on, so check back for more later! 🤍

Click the images below for visuals to the above description:
View the correlating video short on Youtube to see Shatabhisha's appearance in motion 🖤
Shatabhisha natives shown in this article:
Coco Chanel, Shatabhisha Moon
Sarah Michelle Gellar, Shatabhisha Moon
Kajol, Shatabhisha Moon & ASC
Selen (subscriber), Shatabhisha Moon
Charlene Almarvez, Shatabhisha Moon
Skai Jackson, Shatabhisha Moon
Winona Ryder, Shatabhisha Moon
Audrey Hepburn, Shatabhisha Moon
Iesha Hodges, Shatabhisha Moon
Sophie Desmarais, Shatabhisha Moon
Irmena Chichikova, Shatabhisha Moon
Steve Jobs, Shatabhisha Sun
Elizabeth Ashley, Shatabhisha Moon
Tamara Sky, Shatabhisha Sun & Moon
Athiya Shetty, Shatabhisha Moon
Elizabeth Holmes, Shatabhisha Moon
Milana Vayntrub, Shatabhisha ASC
Shailene Woodley, Shatabhisha Moon
Samantha Robinson, Shatabhisha Moon
Arina Perchik, Shatabhisha Sun
Rachel Dratch, Shatabhisha Sun
Abby Quinn, Shatabhisha Moon
Draya Michele, Shatabhisha Moon
Final note: You may notice some comparisons in body-type, appearance elements, etc. with the height of Saturn nakshatra, Uttara Bhadrapada. Saturn & Rahu, as I explain in this article, are Air-element planets and Vata in constitution. On my Patreon, I also explore some mythological/archetype comparisons between these nakshatras in my extra "The Shatabhisha Cinderella".